Mr. Moo: Marin, Sonoma and San Francisco Milk Delivery

As you can imagine with 2 little kids, we go through ALOT of milk. We use at least 2 gallons of milk a week and about a pint of half-and-half and cream.
Luckily we are located in an area with local dairies and one of my favorites is Straus Family Creamery. Straus Family Creamery is located in Tomales Bay and became the first certified organic dairy west of the Mississippi River!
I love that the milk and cream are in old fashioned glass containers because it keeps the milk fresh tasting but a downside is carrying all the bottles and dealing with the crv deposits on the bottles. I seem to always forget to bring back empty bottles to the store to collect my deposit.
Thanks to Ron La Mariana, who goes by Mr. Moo, I do not need to pick up those heavy bottles at the store…because he delivers my milk, half and half and cream directly to my doorstep once a week!
Mr. Moo is a friendly guy and his delivery is prompt. If you are interested in getting your milk delivered, you can contact him by phone: Sonoma Marin Milk Man (1-888-USE-MILK)
Did you try raw milk? It will transform your life and health.