Cherry Tomatoes are RIPE!

The Cherry Tomatoes are all ripe and have been for the last week or so. We have probably had about 15 ripe cherries so far but have had friends and family over so they did not last long on the vine.
I have not yet done a side by side tasting of the sungold, sunsugar, and sugar snack but hope to soon in the next day or so…will keep you posted.
This is the Sun Sugar. It was the first tomato to ripen. It is very similiar to Sungold (below) but is supposed to be more crack resistent.
Here is the Sungold. So far the fruits have been a little smaller than expected. I thought they would be close in size to the Sun Sugars but they are the smallest fruit of the cherries I am growing. I have also read complaints that they are prone to cracking but I have not had that problem.
This is the Sugar Snack. It is a red cherry tomato and it is quite delicious. A very good size and nice sweetness with some tang to it.