Melon Plant Update: charentais and honey orange

Here is my charentais in the cinderblock garden. I have eaten one melon off this plant and it was delicious and have 4 left. The honey orange melon that was to the left of the charentais has been pulled out because I picked and ate the last melon on it yesterday (I will post pics).
This is my charentais melon plant in the wood garden that is trellised. There are 4 melons on this plant.
Here is my honey orange in the wood bed that is trellissed. It has 4 melons.
Hi Tammy, I'm growing melons again this summer and just caught up with your blog! Congratulations on baby #2!
I have now planted the following melons: Jaune Canarie, Arancino, and Charentais! The are all in full bloom and the female blossom are abundant this year. Last year we had too much rain in RI, so the crop was miserable. This year the seeds went into the ground mid-May! There is hope for melons this year! Also, I started planting a miniature orchard last year and just finished planting this year. I too bought my trees from Raintree Nurseries! I do think they are the best and their trees come beautifully packed and healthy. Wish I could grow the exotics you have but this is my line-up! Montmorency Cherry, Pristine Apple, Jonagold Apple, Enterprise Apple (all different for pollinating purposes, Harglow Apricot, Arctic White Nectarine, Bavay green Plum, Italian Plum. Eight trees in all. Made my first sour cherry pie this year, only after have the tree for one year! Let me know how all is going. Cynthia G RI
well I have to say I am quite jealous. We had a very cold and wet spring so there is little hope for melon's for me this year. I have charentais and orange honeydew in but they are just starting to get going…crossing fingers that I have a long, hot summer so I can get some ripe melons.
I love your tree line up. I planted mine this spring so no ripe fruit yet. I will probably get some babcock peaches and apples this year from the trees.
I can't wait for next year when I should get some fruit from my new trees.
The berries are going great and we pick blueberries, strawberries daily. We had a few raspberries but some critter ate them 🙁
thanks for checking in!
Thanks for giving us some honest ideas on this topic. I have sought out a great variety of good information about gardening and some poor ideas. Do you have any more savvy ideas or places on the Internet that I can find more detailed recommendations? This would be quite appreciated! Either way, continue the good work!