Marin Garden: Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries…

It is berry season here in our little garden and the timing could not be more perfect.
The kids LOVE picking berries when they are out back playing. The eat them throughout the day and know how to wait for the berries to get really ripe before they pick them.
Here are some of our berry picture taken this week.
Here are our blueberries. We currently have Sunshine, Misty and Sharp Blue.
This years berries are a lot bigger than last years berries.
The branches are loaded with blueberries.
Tyler knows just when to pick the ripe berries.
Yummy….his favorite snack. He eats almost 1/2 a basket of blueberries a day.
These are our strawberries. I am not sure why more people do not grow them. They are pretty low (no) maintenance. We choose to grow them in strawberry pots instead of in the ground. The berries all are clean, beautiful and most of all bug-free because they hang from the pot instead of lying on the ground.
We are not sure what type of raspberry plant this is. It was a freebie given to us in a plant order. We kept in in a pot because we did not want a thorny berry bush to take over our yard. Good thing we did as this is a prolific grower. The raspberries are huge and delicious.
I tried to grow strawberries in the ground. Lots of vine…very few strawberries! LOL! But the birds were well fed 🙂 I think I’ll go with pots next year.
Lovely blueberries and so good for you too!
Hi Cheri, thanks for visiting. Def. try pots…all the strawberries are immaculate in them.
Someone just posted your blog on my Facebook. I LOVE it. I’ve just started reading it and I’m hooked. I’ve put you on my faves. I am a chicken addict and love your adorable chickens. I wish I were close enough to beg for a tour. In the early 80’s we have chickens in this yard. They were Comets. I loved them, but had a baby and worked a full time night shift, so I re-homed them.
My husband is outside as we speak cutting up wood to build me two raised beds for strawberries. I have the blueberries and raspberries, so I really loved this posting.
I’m going to go back to your blog now. Thank you for doing it. I know it’s a lot of work.
Hi Erin,
Thanks for visiting. Golden Comets are GREAT chickens and GREAT layers. Now with all the new chicken technology it makes it much easier to have chickens (like our automatic solar chicken door). I have my hands full with a 2 year old and almost 4 year old so always short on time.
I will try to keep the blog updated more often. It gets hard at times but I have a post about the tropicals and peaches so hope to get those up soon….check back often 😉