Honey Orange Melon Review

Last thursday I went out to check on my melons and found this one had split. Boo…i had watered them lightly the day before and now know not do do that again. You would think I would have learned my lesson from the split charentais I had 1.5 weeks ago.
I was a little bummed because this melon did not have a very frangrant aroma and was still a little fuzzy so I thought I was not going to be ripe or very sweet…
Boy was I wrong. I was delicious. An awesome melon. It has honey undertones and a great texture.
Yesterday (monday) I picked the final honey orange from the cinderblock garden. It was not fuzzy and was quite smooth. I read that this is an indication that the melon is ripe as it does not slip from the vine. Also the tendril closest to the melon was brown, which is supposed to be another indicator.
I just want to take a bite! The melon looks delicious! I'm STILL waiting on my first melon to ripen here in Pennsylvania. This is going to be my first time tasting a homegrown melon, and I can't wait! I hope it tastes as good as yours looks.
i am not obsessed with growing melons. next year i am going to grow the honey orange, charentais, and a watermelon.
what are you growing?