Garden Update: Tomatillos, Serrano Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers, Pink Berkeley Tie Dye Tomato

It was a cooler spring and summer but the garden does not seem to mind much. The plants are happy and producing yummy goodness for the family daily. This is what I picked from the garden yesterday. It doesn’t look like much BUT my 2 sons eat the cherry tomatoes like they are candy, straight from the plant. They can eat bowl fulls at a time. It is a miracle Mommy and Daddy get any for themselves. Also, my folks come over daily and pick 3-4 tomatoes and a cucumber for their lunch. This is all that was left after the scavengers (aka my family) we done picking through the garden.
Here are some close ups of the Pink Berkeley Tie Dye Tomato. It really is a beauty.
I also had a request for some pictures of my tomatillos and peppers.
I grow a serrano pepper and jalapeno pepper in a large black pot. Peppers like it warm so I think they appreciate the extra warmth the black pot attracts. Peppers also do not take up nearly as much space as tomatoes and it is easy to fit them both in one pot. Considering how small the plant is, they sure do produce enough peppers for our family.
Tomatillo plants are bigger than peppers but MUCH smaller than tomato plants. They do not need as much space as tomatoes and I can put 2 plants in 1 tomato cage. They are lankier plants so the definitely need some support.