Garden Update: July 14, 2009 (2.5 months)

Just a little life update…our son was born last week. We are just so in love with our little guy. So far he is an easy and mellow baby and I take walks with him to see the garden once or twice a day.
While we were in the hospital, the garden took off.
Our stupice tomatoes finally ripened (see pictures in posts below).
The Melons are getting huge.
The wood gardenbed had its first ripe tomato and 2 orange honeydew melons are growing on the trellis (as well as some baby charentais and arava…lets see if they survive this heatspell we are having).
We are picking lemon cucumbers and zucchinis. I made some delicious zucchini pancakes for dinner on monday night (grated zucchini, onion, garlic, one egg, flour, salt, pepper, seasonings).
I gave up on the long beans because they were very slow to grow and the few leaves that did grow wee quickly eaten by something. I planted a few more seeds hoping I would have better luck now that the weather was warmer. I was surprised to see that not only had all the new seeds sprouted and are about 4 inches tall already, but the older plants that were about 4 inches are now over 2 feet long. Here is a blossom from the long bean.
Here is the net trellis that my husband set up:
Here is a picture of my arugala that has bolted. I am hoping it goes to seed to we can have some arugala in the fall/early winter.