Trident Maple Bonsai

I purchased this Acer Buergeranum from Lone Pine Gardens in Sebastapol, CA in December of 2006. It was on consignment from a previous owner who had already done some of the styling. It has a lot of ‘issues’ which have provided good opportunity to practice and learn bonsai techniques.
2/5/19: This tree has been back in the ground for a year or two now to fatten the trunk. I will post updated pictures when I can.
- 12/16/06
- 3/12/07
- 4/2/07
- Current root system needs work.
- 10/15/07
- 11/4/07
- Trunk curves under adding a challenge to root grafting.
- Graft tops removed and carved out to allow for healing-over w/ minimal knob. I sealed w/ a wasabi sealant first, then covered with plasticene cut paste (not shown).
- Healing progress on big trunk scar – the plasticene seems to speed it up as others have reported.
- Comparison of scar from 5/15/07.
- I purchased a few seedlings like this one for a thread graft / approach graft project. I’ll wait until they’re dormant before I proceed.
- I drilled pilot holes for the nails to prevent splitting.
- 1/13/08 - Seedlings are thread grafted through major roots to add some character.
- 1/21/08 - I used a dremel to grind out a notch for the larger seedlings.
- I cut a notch to make a sharp bend in this seedling so that it would fit in the desired location.
- Wire was used to hold the seedling in position.
- It would have been better to prepare the seedling the previous season.
- Top view of dremel’d notch.
- Nailed in place.
- Sealed the joints.
- 2/17/08 - Cleaned out the grow box for repotting in a new soil mix.
- Combed out and washed the roots.
- Trimmed off the excess and circling roots.
- Repotted in a well-draining soil mix suitable for my watering regime.
- 3/2/08 - Early spring growth.
- 3/17/08 - All of the grafted seedlings are thriving so far.
- 4/20/08 - Growth has not been as vigorous as the Arakawa.
- Close-up of two of the root grafts – they appear to be progressing nicely. The grey stuff is wound sealant that I peeled away to reveal the joints.
- 6/15/08 - Lots of new growth. Grafts appear to be doing well although they look like a different cultivar than the main tree – someone suggested that they might be ‘Armur’ – the leaves are serrated. Good thing they’re just root grafts – hopefully the bark color will be similar enough.
- 8/10/08 - Seeing lots of growth after fertilizing. The long shoots are coming from the root grafts which are encouraged to grow freely to promote grafting.
- Root graft from the side w/ some of the wound sealant removed to see the joint.
- 2/2/09 - Grafting completed.
- Annual prune and styling.
- 3/30/09 - New spring growth. Re-potting next year.
- 8/4/09 - Cut off the last root graft. Reduced the apex.
- 10/25/09 - Starting to show fall colors. Looking pretty sad this year after all the heavy pruning.
- 12/21/09 - Winter silhoutte – ready for styling.
- 2/8/10 - Spent the time to wire individual branches this year. Much better results. Putting interesting bends into young shoots really works well.
- 1/23/11 - winter time before wiring
- 3/19/11. Repotted this year. wired all branches. getting closer to where I want it. wishing I had some branches lower on the trunk.
- 3/27/11. My first attempt at taking some decent pictures. this was in my dark garage and I didn't have enough lighting. I'll try it with some natural light next time.
- 2/23/12 - only wiring a few of the branches this year. trying to position the branch on the right lower to fill the void on that side.
- 3/13/19 - I ended up planting this tree in the ground to fatten up the trunk a bit more sometime around 2014?
- 3/13/19 - Chopped the trunk this year to develop taper.