Grilled Figs with Balsamic Reduction

We had a late summer this year and it did not really get hot until September but I am not complaining because we are lucky enough to have an Indian Summer. Tomatoes and peppers are still ripening.
Normally figs ripen in August-September but this year they did not start ripening until October. My parent’s have an old, established Black Mission fig tree and we fig-rich!
One of my favorite things to do is grill figs and serve them with a balsamic reduction and some good olive oil. It is quite simple to do and an elegant addition to any dinner!
Grilled Figs with a Balsamic Reduction
- 8-10 figs cut in half
- Olive oil
- 1 pinch sea salt (or Kosher salt)
- Balsamic Reduction (Recipe Below)
1. Cut washed figs in half. Lightly drizze with olive oil and sprinkle with kosher or sea salt.
2. Put figs on a hot gril, cut side down. Grill for 1-2 minutes just to get a bit of color.
3. Plate and drizze with Balasamic Reduction (recipe below), a good olive oil (I like to use Stonehouse California House Blend) and sprinkle with sea salt.
Balsamic Reduction with Honey
- 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
- 1 TB honey
- 1 pinch sea salt (or Kosher salt)
1. In a small saucepan bring balsamic vinegar to a low boil and cook down the vinegar until it becomes a thin syrup. Add 1 TB of honey (more or less depending on your taste preference) and a pinch of salt.
Here is the balsamic vinegar before it has been reduced.
This is the balsamic vinegar after it has been reduced and the honey added. As you can see it coats the spoon.
Made this tonight as a side for sockeye salmon. It was really good and simple (the way the best foods are).
Unbelievably good and simple recipe. We served it with grilled wite tail venison medium rare with a cucumber black eyed pea salad.
I am so glad you like the recipe. I can’t wait until our figs are ripe so we can throw them on the grill.